What exactly is a B Corp?
B Corp Certification means that a company has been verified as meeting high standards for social and environmental impact, that it has made a legal commitment to stakeholder governance, and that it is demonstrating accountability and transparency by disclosing their performance publicly.
Becoming a B Corp isn’t easy. The certification process measured our impact across five key areas: Governance, Workers, Community, Environment and Customers. Every part of our business was rigorously scrutinised by the B Impact Assessment. The average score for businesses completing the assessment is 50.9, and to be B Corp certified, a business must achieve a score of 80 or above.
How did we score?
Our verified score was 86.9 which we are very proud of, although there is still lots to be working on in the future and we are looking forward to the challenge of increasing our score even higher next time!
We’re very proud of our B Corp accreditation. It is confirmation, from an independent, trusted source, that we care about our team, our local community, our customers and our planet.
Take a look at our latest Impact Report 2023/24.